Архив за Июнь, 2018

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    Елена Бохорова / 2018.06.26 / no responses / Метки: , , , , , , ,

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    Елена Бохорова / 2018.06.26 / no responses / Метки: , , , , , , ,

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    Елена Бохорова / 2018.06.26 / no responses / Метки: , , , , , , ,

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    Yes, by the way, people are deeply suspicious of both the timing of when this bug appeared and how it got there, in light of recent revelations about spying activity by the National Security Agency. I also spoken to one engineer who said the errant line of code that caused the security hole could easily have been a copy/paste error that would have been extremely hard to detect….

    Елена Бохорова / 2018.06.26 / no responses / Метки: , , , , , , , ,



